The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Part Seven: Preparing the Church (Part A) .........227 What good is it to have expectant faith for a great harvest but

have an ineffective way of doing church? We will explore a

biblical pathway back to a more effective apostolic paradigm in

readying the church for its critical role.

Chapter 18: The Importance of the Apostolic ...229 What does it mean to “build arks” today? We will f ocus on how

to form united city and regional churches and make them ready

to receive the coming harvest — using the early church’s

apostolic model.

Chapter 19: Reaching Cities and Nations .........245 One of the most important calls to the church is to recognize

what the Great Commission actually says. We cannot be

satisfied with individual conversions. W e must embrace Jesus’

command to disciple and baptize nations.

Chapter 20: Forming Movements ......................265 The early church grew from dramatic sweeping movements

that drew thousands into the Kingdom of God quickly and in

large numbers. Only through forming movements can church

growth overtake world population growth and disciple the

coming great harvest. But how do we define “ church growth

movements ,” and how do we launch them?

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