The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

minister just as He had — only in a greater and more glorious


Chapter 15: God’s Audacious Love ...................195 The most audacious aspect of the gospel is the sacrificial love

of God. As nations experience the impact of God’s willingness

to sacrifice what He loves most — His sons and daughters —

to share His message of love to a hostile world, thousands will

be drawn to faith in Christ. There is no greater power encounter

than experiencing sacrificial agape love.

Chapter 16: The Gospel Angels .........................211 One of the most audacious last-days proclamations of the

gospel will be the appearance of the three angels over the cities

of the world, speaking to every nation, and tribe. Both the

gospel and the God’s warnings to sinners will never be more


Chapter 17: Time for Audacious Faith ..............219 If the Lord is ready to do audacious works to better reveal the

Kingdom of God and highlight the gospel message to the

nations, then we as His church must equip ourselves with

audacious faith that God can use.

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