The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Part Eight: Preparing the Church (Part B) .........275 God is sending the greatest prophetic movement in church
history to prepare the church for what He is about to do. The
Spirit of God is elevating the ch urch’s prophetic voice to a fresh
passion and renewal.
Chapter 21: Building the School of the Prophets ....................................................277 What will be the impact of the second coming of the spirit of
Elijah at the end of this age? This prophetic movement will be
a key to worldwide restoration and renewal of the church. But
the church must focus on understanding it and ministering it
Chapter 22: The Coming of Spiritual Fathers and Mothers ...........................................295 One of the most powerful aspects of the Elijah Movement will
be the raising up of spiritual fathers and mothers in the Lord.
They will play a central role in the restoration and glorification
of the church.
Chapter 23: Final Thoughts ................................311
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