The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

comes by the law and establish grace as the rule of His

Kingdom on earth.

To Pour Forth

Peter chooses an interesting word for this reference to the

coming of the Holy Spirit: ekcheo , which in the original Greek

means “ to shed, gush, or pour out.” It depicts the Holy Spirit

falling like spiritual rain upon the nation. I appreciate how Dr.

Myland encouraged us to look closely here at the restoration of

Isarel's rain cycle — to help us recognize how the Spirit of God

will fall on the church in the last days.

In Palestine the annual rain cycle is initiated by a series of “ early

rains, ” called the “ Yarah r ains.” These fall between September

15 and November 15, preparing the ground for plowing and the

planting of seed. Then the planted seed germinates and growth

begins. This period ends with the gathering of “first fruits , ” or

the early crops that reach maturity before the rest of the


The rain cycle concludes with the “latter rains,” called the

“ Malqosh r ains.” These fa ll between March 15 and May 15.

They mature the crops for the full, final harvest.

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