The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

entitled “The Latter Rain Pentecost.” 12 Dr. Myland pointed out

that Peter in his Pentecost sermon quotes only Joel 2:28-32 in

referring to the first great outpouring of God’s Spirit. But Myland

insisted that we must appreciate the greater context of Joel

2:23-27 to achieve full understanding.

J oel’s message to Israel was that the nation had continuously

sinned against the Lord, so in consequence God finally brought

judgment through a drought, and through a plague of locusts

that devastated the harvest. But God then sent Joel to call the

people to repent and return to Him — so that His judgments

could be removed (Joel 2:12-16).

In Joel 2:18 the prophet relates that in the aftermath of

judgment, God’s heart was filled with compassion. The Lord

began speaking comfort to the devastated people and

promised restoration — to remove Israel’s shame from before

the nations (Joel 2: 19). The nations would see God’s presence

and blessing upon His people, never to be taken away again

(Joel 2:27).

Centuries later, we see Peter — led by the Spirit of God —

citing this passage from Joel to illuminate implications far

12 Vinson Synan. In the Latter Days (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Servant Books), 1983. pg. 5-7

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