The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Part Five: Israe l’s Role in the Great Harvest .....161 The nation of Israel — small as it is in territory and population
— will play a mighty part in the coming harvest of nations.
Israel’s restoration will greatly add to the momentum of this last
days movement.
Chapter 13: The War of Gog ...............................163 There is a war coming in which the very survival of Israel will
be in doubt. But God will directly intervene and not only will
save Israel, but use the surviving enemy soldiers to help finish
the Great Commission and begin the final conversion of Israel
to faith In Jesus Christ.
Part Six: God’s Growing Audacity .....................179 God is not a distant observer as this age of harvest comes ever nearer. Scripture is clear that we can expect God to become
audacious in His participation in the harvesting work.
Chapter 14: The Audacious Jesus and His Church ....................................................183 Jesus was the most audacious expression of God and His
message in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. No one had
ever done the amazing numbers of miracles Jesus did, or
spoken with such authority, or lived such an extraordinary life.
And Jesus said plainly that He wanted His church to live and
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