The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
response to His gospel message. The church must embrace
the same firm expectation and match the Lor d’s commitment to
bring in this great harvest.
Chapter 10: The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit ...133 The key to the church to accomplishing the Great Commission
is the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew the church would need the Spirit's
transforming power and strength to fulfill His command. An
unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit will enable the
church to finish the Lord’s commission.
Chapter 11: Ten-to-One Ratio .............................143 One of the most exciting predictions in the Old Testament is a
10-to-1 ratio of how unbelievers will seek believers as they
respond to the gospel at the end of this age. We will explore the
prophecy predicting such a remarkable end-time phenomenon.
Chapter 12: A Continuous Harvest ....................151 The prophet Amos foretold that a rapid, sustained, rich harvest
of people would flow into the Kingdom in the last days. We will
examine his amazing promise of a continuous, uninterrupted
response to the churches ’ witness — and what that means for
the church itself.
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