The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

atmosphere of heaven coming to us that stabilizes our life; and

it is the atmosphere of heaven that draws the lost into the house

of God.

The Two Covenants

The writer of Hebrews contrasts the life of God’s people by

using a metaphor of two mountains, representing the Old

Covenant and the New Covenant, respectively. In Hebrews 12

this illustrates the difference between living under the covenant

of law and under the covenant of grace.

The giving of the Old Covenant at Mount Sinai was spectacular:

Never had God revealed Himself to a nation in such a holy and

dramatic way. He came in fire and smoke and the shaking of

the mountain. He spoke to the people directly, in a thunderous

voice. His power and awesome holiness were on full display.

The reaction of the Israelites was not one of wonder: They were

stricken with fear, and gripped with a stark consciousness of

being unworthy in the imminent presence of the Almighty. Even

Moses trembled.

God warned the people not to approach the mountain too

closely, or they would die: He was holy and just, but the

Israelites were not. The covering blood to be shed by Jesus

was millennia in the future. This manifestation of God’s

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