The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Chapter Eight

The Gift of The Unshakable Kingdom

For the New Testament believer, the Kingdom of God is a gift

to be experienced here and now. When we receive Jesus Christ

as our Lord and Savior, we also enter the power of God’s

sovereignty and gain an abiding relationship with Him through

Jesus. We are in the Kingdom — and as citizens, we are to

express it.

Jesus tells us in the Disciples’ Prayer (commonly known as the

Lord’s Prayer) that we are to continually pray “ Your kingdom

come on earth as it is in heaven ” (Matt. 6:10). Where the King

of heaven is, there too is the atmosphere of heaven.

In the previous chapter we looked at learning to live out the

kingdom of God through developing our spiritual disciplines. In

this chapter I want to talk about “living in the atmosphere of the

Kingdom of heaven, ” another part of our divinely given


As we learn to experience the atmosphere of heaven in the

present — the supernatural manifestation of heaven's joy and

majesty — we will experience moments of being cut loose from

the limitations of this life. More than anything else, it is the

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