The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Chapter 7: Becoming Unshakable .......................99 God’s people will not be exempt from the shaking: We live in

the nations that will be shaken. But the church must

demonstrate how to face life ’s storms with peace and grace in

God’s strength. In this chapter we will deal with how God will

prepare His people to reveal His unshakable kingdom on earth

as it is in heaven.

Chapter 8: The Gift of the Unshakable Kingdom ...109 We so often fail to realize the amazing gift that Jesus Christ

provided for us. He brought heaven down to earth — the

Kingdom of God. The good news is not just the hope of heaven,

someday. Rather, it is the transformational power to change

lives for good here and now.

Part Four: The Great Harvest (God’s Passion) ...117 The whole purpose of the divine shaking is to awaken people

and nations to their inability to achieve a stable, enduring, and

harmonious existence apart from God’s sovereignty. Such

divine shaking will prompt searching for what will provide a

stable life — in Christ.

Chapter 9: The Age of Harvest ...........................119 Jesus built His life and ministry around one goal, the harvest of

the nations into the Kingdom. Jesus expected an overwhelming

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