The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Saints in Training

Our training begins by clearing away anything that might trip us

on the course and stop us short of the finish line. God as our

Father will teach us to “put off” any sin and bondage hindering

our growth in Christ. He will couple that with exercise to “put

on” the life of Christ through spiritual disciplines and the power

of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:22-24). As with any training, it will take

some pain to achieve gain.

Let me define what I mean by the exercises of “ putting off ” and

“ putting on .” Putting off happens when God — through our

circumstances, relationships and decisions — brings to light

anything that will stunt our spiritual growth. It might be a

tendency to take shortcuts rather than learning how to work

hard, with integrity. It might be a habit of telling “white lies” to

avoid responsibility. It might involve a hair-trigger temper and a

trait of holding bitter grudges. Such character weaknesses will

frustrate the grace of God in our life. We need to get free of


God’s Word points to disciplines that will help free us, such as

meditating on Scriptures, spending time in prayer listening to

His voice, working out forgiving relationships with others, and

nurturing a heart to serve unselfishly in our church or


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