The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

By practicing those disciplines — and being accountable to

godly people He places in our life — we put off fleshly ways and

and put on Christ-likeness.

There are no quick fixes, here. Training in “ putting off ” and

“putting on ” is a lifelong process — but it pays dividends in

exponential spiritual growth. The more we put off, and the more

we learn to run under the power of the Holy Spirit, the stronger

the life of Christ shines through us. Eventually any hold that the

world had on us gives way to the pull of the heavenly tractor


We also need to learn how to willingly accept the Father’s

discipline when He rebukes and corrects us (Heb. 12:5). The

Greek word “rebuke” ( elegcho ) means to chasten, to convict, or

to bring to light a fault. The Christian life is one of Spirit-directed

self-discovery, and we may not always like what it reveals in

our hearts.

We cannot successfully run our race when we are weighed

down by sin and brokenness. God’s corrective work to

unburden us there is essential, and we should never resent it.

It takes discipline and humility to recognize our sins, and then

learn to confess them — so they can be dealt with through the

grace and power of the Holy Spirit.

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