The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 4:35-39 a. 4:35 And on that :day, when even was come, he says to them, Kai LEgei auTOIS en eKEIne te heMEra, oPSIas ge-noMEnes, Let us go over unto the other side. DiELtho-men eis to PEran. b. 4:36a And leaving the crowd, they take him with them , kai aPHENtes ton OCHlon, pa-ra-lamBANnou-sin auTON, as he was, in the boat. hos en, en to PLOIo. c. 4:36b And other boats were with him. kai ALla PLOIa en met' auTOU.

d. 4:37 THE GREAT STORM And a great storm of wind arises, kai GIne-tai LAIlaps meGAle aNEmou, and the waves beat into the boat, kai ta KUma-ta ePEbal-len eis to PLOIon, so that the boat was now filling. HOste Ede geMIzes-thai to PLOIon.

e. 4:38 THE DEEP CONCERN OF DISCIPLES BECAUSE JESUS ASLEEP And himself was in the stern, asleep on the cushion: kai auTOS en en te PRUMne, ePI to pro-skePHAlai-on kaTHEUdon: and they rouse him, and say to him, kai eGEIrou-sin auTON, kai LEgou-sin auTO, DiDAska-le, Teacher, do you not care that we perish? ou MElei soi HOti a-polLUme-tha? f. 4:39a. And he awoke, and rebuked the wind, kai di-e-gerTHEIS, e-peTIme-sen to aNEmo, and said to the sea, Quiet, be still. kai EIpen te thaLASse, SiOpa, pePHImo-so. g. 4:39b And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. kai eKOpa-sen ho Ane-mos, kai eGEne-to gaLEne meGAle.


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