The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 4:30-34

because the harvest is come. HOti paREste-ken ho THEri-smos.

6. 4:30-32 SIXTH PARABLE: ABNORMAL GROWTH OF KINGDOM a. 4:30 JESUS SEARCHES FOR A PARABLE TO EXPRESS THE KINGDOM OF GOD And he said, How shall we liken the kingdom of :God? Kai Ele-gen, Pos ho-moiOso-men ten ba-siLEIan tou TheOU? or in what parable shall we set it forth? e en TIni auTEN pa-ra-boLE THOmen? b. 4:31-32 THE AMAZING GROWTH OF MUSTARD SEED ILLUSTRATES IT Like a grain of mustard seed, which, hos KOKko siNApe-os, hos, when it is sown upon the earth, HOtan spaRE ePI tes ges, though it is a lesser among all the seeds of th os e on the earth, miKROte-ron hon PANton ton sperMAton ton ePI tes ges, 32 yet when it is sown, grows up, and becomes greater so that the birds HOste DUnas-thai of the heaven can lodge under its :shadow. huPO ten skiAN auTOU ta pe-teiNA tou ou-raNOU ka-ta-skeNOIN. 7. 4:33-34 PARABLES HELP CLARIFY KINGDOM TRUTH And with many such parables he spoke the word to them, Kai toiAUtais pa-ra-boLAIS polLAIS eLAlei auTOIS ton LOgon, as they were able to hear it ; kaTHOS eDUnan-to aKOUein; 34 and without parable he did not speak to them: choRIS de pa-ra-boLES ouk eLAlei auTOIS: but privately to his private :disciples he expounded all things . kat' iDIan de tois iDIois ma-theTAIS ePElu-en PANta. kai HOtan spaRE, a-naBAInei, kai GIne-tai MEIzon than all the herbs, and puts out great branches; PANton ton laCHAnon, kai poiEI KLAdous meGAlous;



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