The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 4:23-29

c. 4:23 If any has ears to hear, let him hear. EI tis Echei Ota aKOUein, a-kouEto.

4. 4:24-25 WARNING: TRUTH EXPANDS WHEN HEEDED AND VICE VERSA a. 4:24 PRINCIPLE: TO SHARE IS TO RECEIVE MORE And he said to them, Look to what you hear: Kai Ele-gen auTOIS, BLEpe-te ti aKOUe-te: with what measure you measure it shall be measured to you; en ho MEtro meTREIte me-treTHEse-tai huMIN; b. 4:25 A DISCONCERTING INSIGHT For who has, to him shall be given: and who has not, hos gar Echei, doTHEse-tai auTO: kai hos ouk Echei, from him shall be taken away even what he has. kai ho Echei arTHEse-tai ap' auTOU. 5. 4:26-29 FIFTH PARABLE: MYSTERY OF NORMAL GROWTH a. 4:26-27 SECRET OF GROWTH IS HIDDEN FROM MAN And he said, So is the kingdom of :God, Kai Ele-gen, HOUtos esTIN he ba-siLEIa tou TheOU, as if a man cast :seed upon the earth; hos ANthro-pos BAle ton SPOron ePI tes ges; 27 and sleep and rise night and day, kai kaTHEUde kai eGEIre-tai NUKta kai heMEran, and the seed spring up and grow, himself knows not how. kai ho SPOros blaSTA kai meKUne-tai, hos ouk OIden auTOS. b. 4:28 THREE-FOLD PROGRESSION IN GROWTH The earth bears fruit of herself; au-toMAte he ge kar-po-phoREI; first a blade, then an ear, then full grain in the ear. PROton CHORton, EIten STAchun , EIten PLEre SIton en to STAchu-i . c. 4:29 HARVEST TIME But when the fruit is ripe, straightway he puts forth the sickle, HOtan de pa-raDOI ho karPOS, euTHUS a-poSTELlei to DREpa-non, and shall be added to you. kai pro-steTHEse-tai huMIN.


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