The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 4:18-22

straightway they stumble. euTHUS skan-daLIzon-tai.

g. 4:18-19 UNFRUITFULNESS: THE RESULT OF CHOKING THROUGH THORNS And others are the y sown among the thorns; kai ALloi eiSIN hoi eis tas aKANthas speiROme-noi;

these are they that have heard the word, HOU-TOI ei-sin hoi ton LOgon aKOUsan-tes,

19 and the cares of the age, kai hai MErim-nai tou aiOnos,

and the deceitfulness of :riches, and the lusts of :other things kai he aPAte tou PLOUtou, kai hai peRI ta loiPA e-pi-thuMIai entering in, choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. ei-spo-reuOme-nai, sunPNIgou-sin ton LOgon, kai Akar-pos GIne-tai. h. 4:20 FRUITFULNESS: THE RESULT OF SEED IN GOOD GROUND And those are they that were sown upon the good :ground; kai eKEI-NOI ei-sin hoi ePI ten gen ten kaLEN spaRENtes; such as hear the word, and receive it , HOIti-nes aKOUou-sin ton LOgon, kai pa-raDEchon-tai, and bear fruit thirty and sixty and hundred. kai kar-po-phoROUsin triAkon-ta kai heXEkon-ta kai he-kaTON. 3. 4:21-23 WITH UNDERSTANDING COMES RESPONSIBILITY a. 4:21 LIGHT IS TO LIGHTEN - NOT BE HID! And he said to them, Kai Ele-gen auTOIS, Is the lamp brought to be put under the bushel, MEti ERche-tai ho LUCHnos HIna huPO ton MOdi-on teTHE, or under the bed, and not to be put on the stand? e huPO ten KLInen, ouch HIna ePI ten luchNIan teTHE? b. 4:22 TRUTH IS TO BE SHARED: TO BE MADE KNOWN! For nothing is hid, save that it be manifested; ou gar EStin krupTON, eAN me HIna pha-ne-roTHE ; neither was anything made secret, but that it come to light. ouDE eGEne-to aPOkru-phon, all' HIna ELthe eis pha-neRON.


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