The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 4:12-17

12 that looking they may look, HIna BLEpon-tes BLEpo-si, and not see, and hearing they may hear, and not understand; kai me Ido-sin, kai aKOUon-tes aKOUo-si, kai me su-niOsin; lest haply they should turn again, and it be forgiven them. ME po-te e-piSTREpso-sin, kai a-pheTHE auTOIS. c. 4:13 JESUS POINTS OUT “THE KEY PARABLE” And he says to them, Do you not know this :parable? kai LEgei auTOIS, Ouk OIda-te ten pa-ra-boLEN TAUten?

and how shall you know all the parables? kai pos PAsas tas pa-ra-boLAS GNOses-the? d. 4:14 The sower sows the word. ho SPEIron ton LOgon SPEIrei.

e. 4:15 SEED BY THE WAY SIDE IS TAKEN AWAY And these are they by the way side , where the word is sown; HOUtoi DE ei-sin hoi paRA ten hoDON, HOpou SPEIre-tai ho LOgos; and when they should hear, straightway comes :Satan, kai HOtan aKOUso-sin, euTHUS ERche-tai ho Sa-taNAS, and takes away the word :sown in them. kai AIrei ton LOgon ton e-sparMEnon eis auTOUS. f. 4:16-17 THE TEMPORARY NATURE OF SHALLOW AND ROOTLESS BELIEVERS And these likewise are they sown upon the rocky places, who, kai HOU-TOI ei-sin hoMOIos hoi ePI ta peTROde speiROme-noi, hoi, when they should hear the word, HOtan aKOUso-sin ton LOgon, straightway receive it with joy; euTHUS meTA chaRAS lamBAnou-sin auTON; 17 and have no root in themselves, but endure a while; kai ouk Echou-sin 'RIzan en auTOIS, alLA PROskaiROI ei-sin; then when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, EIta ge-noMEnes THLIpse-os e di-ogMOU diA ton LOgon,


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