The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 4:6-11 and straightway it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth: kai euTHUS e-xaNEtei-len, diA to me Echein BAthos ges:

6 and when the sun was risen, it was scorched; kai HOte aNEtei-len ho HEli-os, e-kau-maTISthe; and because it had no root, withered away . kai diA to me Echein 'RIzan, e-xeRANthe .

e. 4:7 THORNS IN THE SOIL CHOKE OUT FRUITFULNESS And other fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up, kai ALlo Epe-sen eis tas aKANthas, kai aNEbe-san hai Akan-thai, and choked it, and it yielded no fruit. kai suNEPni-xan auTO, kai karPON ouk Edo-ken.

f. 4:8 THE FRUITFULNESS OF SEED IN GOOD GROUND And others fell into the good :ground, kai ALla Epe-sen eis ten gen ten kaLEN,

and yielded fruit growing up and increasing; and brought forth kai eDIdou karPON a-naBAInon-ta kai au-xaNOme-na; kai Ephe-ren [unto] thirty and sixty and hundred. [eis] triAkon-ta kai heXEkon-ta kai he-kaTON. g. 4:9 And he said, Who has ears to hear, let him hear. kai Ele-gen, Hos Echei Ota aKOUein, a-kouEto. 2. 4:10-20 THE KEY PARABLE AND ITS INTERPRETATION a. 4:10 And when he was alone, they that were about him Kai HOte eGEne-to kaTAMOnas, eROton auTON hoi peRI auTON with the twelve asked of him the parables. sun tois DOde-ka tas pa-ra-boLAS.

b. 4:11-12 PARABLES EITHER REVEAL OR CONCEAL And he said to them, kai Ele-gen auTOIS,

To you is given the mystery of the kingdom of :God: HuMIN to muSTEri-on DEdo-tai tes ba-siLEIas tou TheOU: but to th os e without, :all things are done in parables: eKEInois de tois Exo, en pa-ra-boLAIS ta PANta GIne-tai:


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