The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 3:35-4:5

he says, See, :my mother and my :brethren! LEgei, Ide, he MEter mou kai hoi a-delPHOI mou! 35 whoever shall do the will of :God, hos an poiEse to THEle-ma tou TheOU, the same is my brother and sister and mother. HOUtos a-delPHOS mou kai a-delPHE kai MEter esTIN. J. 4:1-34 PRINCIPLES OF BIBLE STUDY THROUGH KINGDOM PARABLES 1. 4:1-9 PARABLE OF THE FOUR SOILS a. 4:1a And again he began to teach by the sea. Kai PAlin ERxa-to diDAskein paRA ten THAlas-san. b. 4:1b THE ATTRACTIVENESS OF JESUS' TEACHING And a great crowd is gathered unto him, kai suNAge-tai pros auTON OCHlos PLEIstos, so that he entered into a boat, and sat in the sea; HOste auTON eis PLOIon emBANta, kaTHESthai en te thaLASse; and all the crowd were close by the sea on the land. kai pas ho OCHlos pros ten THAlas-san ePI tes ges Esan.

c. 4:2-4 THE SOWER'S SEED BY THE WAY SIDE And he taught them many things in parables, kai eDIda-sken auTOUS en pa-ra-boLAIS polLA, and said to them in his :teaching,

kai Ele-gen auTOIS en te di-daCHE auTOU, 3 Listen: Lo, the sower went forth to sow: A-KOUe-te: I-DOU, eXELthen ho SPEIron SPEIrai: 4 and it came to pass, as he sowed, some seed fell by the way side , kai eGEne-to, en to SPEIrein, ho men Epe-sen paRA ten hoDON, and the birds came and devoured it. kai ELthen ta pe-teiNA kai kaTEpha-gen auTO.

d. 4:5-6 THE RESULTS OF SEED IN SHALLOW SOIL And other fell on the rocky ground , kai ALlo Epe-sen ePI to peTROdes, and where it had not much earth; kai HOpou ouk EIchen gen polLEN;


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