The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 3:28-34

Amen I say un to you, All things shall be forgiven aMEN LEgo huMIN, [HO-ti] PANta a-pheTHEse-tai unto the sons of :men, the sins and the blasphemies tois huiOIS ton anTHROpon, ta ha-marTEma-ta kai hai blas-pheMIai with whatever they shall blaspheme: HOsa eAN blas-pheMEso-sin: 29 but whoever shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit hos d' 'AN blas-pheMEse eis to PNEUma to HAgi-on

has not forgiveness unto the age, ouk Echei Aphe-sin eis ton aiOna,

but is guilty of an eternal sin: 30 because they were saying, alLA EnoCHOS es-tin ai-oNIou ha-marTEma-tos: HOti Ele-gon,

He has an unclean spirit. PNEUma aKAthar-ton Echei.

2. 3:31-35 NEW STANDARD OF RELATIONSHIP a. 3:31 THE RELATIVES OF JESUS And his :mother and his :brethren come;

Kai ERchon-tai he MEter auTOU kai hoi a-delPHOI auTOU; and standing without, sent unto him, calling him. kai, Exo STEkon-tes, aPEstei-lan pros auTON, kaLOUNtes auTON. b. 3:32 JESUS INFORMED OF THEIR DESIRE And a crowd was sitting about him; and they say to him, kai eKAthe-to peRI auTON OCHlos; kai LEgou-sin auTO, Lo, your :mother and your :brethren without seek for you. I-DOU, he MEter sou kai hoi a-delPHOI sou Exo zeTOU-SIN se. c. 3:33 And he answered them, and says, kai a-po-kriTHEIS auTOIS, LEgei,

Who is my :mother and my :brethren? TIS es-tin he MEter mou kai hoi a-delPHOI?

d. 3:34-35 TRUE DISCIPLES AND JESUS' TRUE RELATIVES And looking round on them that sat round him in a circle, kai pe-ri-blePSAme-nos tous peRI auTON KUKlo ka-theMEnous,


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