The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 3:22-27

And the scribes that came down from Jerusalem kai hoi gram-maTEIS hoi aPO Ie-ro-soLUmon ka-taBANtes were saying that he has Beelzebul, Ele-gon HOti Be-el-zeBOUL Echei, and that by the prince of the demons he casts out the demons. kai HOti en to ARchon-ti ton dai-moNIon ekBALlei ta daiMOni-a. e. 3:23 AN EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAR COUNTER-CHARGE And he called them unto him , and said to them in parables, kai pro-ska-leSAme-nos auTOUS, en pa-ra-boLAIS Ele-gen auTOIS, How can Satan cast out Satan? Pos DUna-tai Sa-taNAS Sa-taNAN ekBALlein? f. 3:24 And if a kingdom be divided against itself, kai eAN ba-siLEIa eph' he-auTEN me-risTHE, that :kingdom cannot stand. ou DUna-tai staTHEnai he ba-siLEIa eKEIne. g. 3:25 And if a house be divided against itself,

kai eAN oiKIa eph' he-auTEN me-risTHE, that :house will not be able to stand. ou duNEse-tai he oiKIa eKEIne STEnai. h. 3:26 And if :Satan has risen up against himself, kai ei ho Sa-taNAS aNEste eph' he-auTON, and is divided, he cannot stand, but has an end. kai e-meRISthe, ou DUna-tai STEnai, alLA TElos Echei.

i. 3:27 WHAT IT TRULY TAKES TO DEFEAT SATAN But no one can enter into the house of the strong, all' ou DUna-tai ouDEIS eis ten oiKIan tou i-schuROU ei-selTHON, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong, ta SKEUe auTOU di-arPAsai, eAN me PROton ton iSCHUron DEse,

and then he will spoil his :house. kai TOte ten oiKIan auTOU di-arPAsei.



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