The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Mar 3:16-21

16 (and surnamed :Simon) Peter, (kai ePEtheken Ono-ma to SImo-ni) PEtron, 17 and James the son of :Zebedee, kai IAko-bon ton tou Ze-beDAIou, and John the brother of :James kai IoAnen ton a-delPHON tou IaKObou (and surnamed them Boanerges, (kai ePEtheken auTOIS Ono-ma Bo-a-nerGES,

which is, Sons of thunder): HO es-tin, HuiOI bronTES):

18 and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, kai AnDREan, kai PHIlip-pon, kai Bar-tho-loMAIon, kai MathTHAIon,

and Thomas, and James, the son of :Alphaeus, kai ThoMAN, kai IAko-bon, ton tou HalPHAou, and Thaddaeus and Simon the Cananaean, kai ThadDAIon kai SImo-na ton Ka-naNAIon, 19a and Judas Iscariot, who also delivered him up. kai IOUdan Is-ka-riOTH, hos kai paREdo-ken auTON. I. 3:19b-35 OPPOSITION BRINGS FORTH NEW PRINCIPLES OF KINGDOM 1. 3:19b-30 BOTH FRIENDS AND PHARISEES MALIGN JESUS a. 3:19b And he comes into a house. Kai ERche-tai eis OIkon. b. 3:20 And the crowd comes together again, kai suNERche-tai PAlin ho OCHlos, so that they could not even eat bread. HOste me DUnas-thai auTOUS meDE ARton phaGEIN.

c. 3:21 CONCERN OF JESUS' FRIENDS And when :his friends heard it , they went out to lay hold on him: kai aKOUsan-tes hoi par' auTOU, eXELthon kraTEsai auTON: for they said that he is beside himself. Ele-gon gar HOti eXEste.



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