The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 11:18-12:1

because you have taken your :great :power, and did reign. HOti EIle-phes ten DUnaMIN sou ten meGAlen, kai e-baSIleu-sas. c. 11:18 RIGHTEOUS RETRIBUTION AND REWARD And the nations were wrathful, and your :wrath came, kai ta ETHne orGISthe-san, kai ELthen he orGE sou, and the season of the dead to be judged, kai ho kaiROS ton neKRON kriTHEnai, and to give the ir reward to your :bondmen the prophets, kai DOUnai ton misTHON tois DOUlois sou tois proPHEtais, and to the saints, and to them that fear your :name, kai tois haGIois, kai tois pho-bouMEnois to OnoMA sou, the small and the great; tous miKROUS kai tous meGAlous; d. 11:19 A MOST UNUSUAL MANIFESTATION And the sanctuary of God :in :heaven was opened, Kai eNOIge ho naOS tou TheOU ho en to ou-raNO, and in his sanctuary the ark of his :covenant was seen; kai OPHthe he ki-boTOS tes di-aTHEkes auTOU en to naO auTOU; and thunders, and an earthquake, and great hail. kai bronTAI, kai seisMOS, kai CHAla-za meGAle. IV. 12:1-22:30 CONTRAST BETWEEN WICKED AND GOOD AT JESUS' COMING A. 12:1-13:1a EARTHLY AND HEAVENLY WARS RELATED 1. 12:1-6 HEAVENLY SIGN OF DRAGON AND WOMAN a. 12:1-2 SIGN OF THE WOMAN WITH CHILD and lightnings came, and voices, kai eGEnon-to a-straPAI, kai phoNAI, and to destroy them that destroy the earth. kai di-aphTHEIrai tous di-aphTHEIron-tas ten gen.

And a great sign was seen in the heaven: Kai seMEIon MEga OPHthe en to ou-raNO:

a woman arrayed with the sun, guNE pe-ri-be-bleMEne ton HEli-on,


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