The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 11:14-17

in the earthquake: and the rest were frightened, chi-liAdes hepTA: kai hoi loiPOI EMpho-boi eGEnon-to,

and gave glory to the God of :heaven. kai Edo-kan DOxan to TheO tou ou-raNOU. 3. 11:14 The second :Woe is gone: lo, He ouAI he deuTEra aPELthen: iDOU,

the third :Woe comes quickly. he ouAI he TRIte ERche-tai taCHU.

M. 11:15-19 SEVENTH TRUMP: AUTHORITY GIVEN TO GOD AND HIS CHRIST a. 11:15 A TREMENDOUS DECLARATION! And the seventh angel trumped: Kai ho HEBdo-mos AGge-los eSALpi-sen: and great voices in heaven came, saying, kai eGEnon-to phoNAI meGAlai en to ou-raNO, LEgon-tes, The kingdom of the world is become E-GEne-to he ba-siLEIa tou KOSmou our :Lord's and his :Christ's, tou KuRIou heMON kai tou ChrisTOU auTOU, and he shall reign unto the ages of the ages. kai ba-siLEUsei eis tous aiOnas ton aiOnon. b. 11:16-17 THE APPROPRIATE WORSHIP RESPONSE FOR THE 24 ELDERS And the twenty-four elders, kai hoi EIko-si TESsa-res presBUte-roi, who sit before :God on their :thrones, hoi eNOpi-on tou TheOU kaTHEme-noi ePI tous THROnous auTON, fell upon their :faces and worshiped :God, Epe-san ePI ta PROso-pa auTON kai pro-seKUne-san to TheO, 17 saying, We thank you, LEgon-tes, Eu-cha-riSTOU-MEN soi,

Lord :God, the Almighty, who is and who was; KUri-e ho TheOS, ho pan-toKRAtor, ho on kai ho en;


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