The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 12:2-5

and the moon under her :feet, kai he seLEne hu-poKAto ton poDON auTES, and on her :head a crown of twelve stars; kai ePI tes ke-phaLES auTES STEpha-nos aSTEron DOde-ka; 2 and she was with child; and she cries out, kai en gaSTRI Echou-sa; kai KRAzei,

travailing, and in pain to be delivered. oDInou-sa, kai ba-sa-ni-zoMEne TEkein. b. 12:3 SIGN OF THE DRAGON And another sign was seen in the heaven: kai OPHthe ALlo seMEIon en to ou-raNO: and lo, a great red dragon,

kai iDOU, DRAkon purROS MEgas, having seven heads and ten horns,

Echon ke-phaLAS hepTA kai KEra-ta DEka, and upon his :heads seven diadems. kai ePI tas ke-phaLAS auTOU hepTA di-aDEma-ta.

c. 12:4 THE DRAGON'S FOLLOWERS AND PURPOSE And his :tail draws the third of the stars of the heaven, kai he ouRA auTOU SUrei to TRIton ton aSTEron tou ou-raNOU, and he cast them to the earth: and the dragon kai Eba-len auTOUS eis ten gen: kai ho DRAkon stands before the woman :about to be delivered, ESte-ken eNOpi-on tes gu-naiKOS tes melLOUses teKEIN, that when she is delivered he may devour her :child. HOtan TEke to TEKnon auTES ka-taPHAge . d. 12:5 THE WOMAN'S SON And she was delivered of a son, kai Ete-ken huiON, a male, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron: ARsen, hos MELlei poiMAInein PANta ta ETHne en 'RABdo si-deRA: and her :child was caught up unto :God, kai herPASthe to TEKnon auTES pros ton TheON,


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