The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 11:11-13 and make merry; and they shall send gifts one to another; kai euPHRAInon-tai; kai DOra PEMpsou-sin alLElois; because these two :prophets tormented the dwellers HOti HOUtoi hoi DUo proPHEtai e-baSAni-san tous ka-toiKOUNtas on the earth. ePI tes ges. k. 11:11 RESURRECTION: A GREAT SHOCK TO EARTH-DWELLERS And after the three days and a half the spirit of life kai meTA tas treis heMEras kai HEmi-su PNEUma zo-ES from :God entered in them, and they stood upon their :feet; ek tou TheOU eiSELthen en auTOIS, kai Este-san ePI tous POdas auTON; and great fear fell upon them that beheld them. kai PHObos MEgas ePEpe-sen ePI tous the-oROUNtas auTOUS.

l. 11:12a. And they heard a great voice kai Ekou-san phoNEN meGAlen from the heaven saying to them, ek tou ou-raNOU leGOUsan auTOIS, Come up here. A-NAba-te HOde.

m. 11:12b THE ASCENSION OF THE TWO WITNESSES And they went up into :heaven in the cloud; kai aNEbe-san eis ton ou-raNON en te nePHEle; and their :enemies beheld them. kai e-theOre-san auTOUS hoi echTHROI auTON.

n. 11:13 THE TERRIBLE JUDGMENTAL EARTHQUAKE And a great earthquake came in that :hour, Kai en eKEIne te HOra eGEne-to seisMOS MEgas, and the tenth of the city fell; kai to DEka-ton tes POle-os Epe-sen; and seven thousand names of men were killed kai a-pekTANthe-san en to seisMO oNOma-ta anTHROpon


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