The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 11:7-10

that it rain not during the days of their :prophecy: HIna me hu-eTOS BREche tas heMEras tes pro-pheTEIas auTON: and they have authority over the waters to turn them into blood, kai e-xouSIan Echou-sin ePI ton huDAton STREphein auTA eis HAIma, and to smite the earth with every plague, kai paTAxai ten gen en PAse pleGE, as often as they shall desire. hoSAkis eAN theLEso-sin.

g. 11:7 DEATH: THE FINALITY OF THE TWO WITNESSES And when they shall have finished their :testimony, kai HOtan teLEso-sin ten mar-tuRIan auTON, the beast that comes up out of the abyss to theRIon to a-naBAInon ek tes aBUSsou poiEsei

shall make war with them, and overcome them, and kill them. met' auTON POle-mon, kai niKEsei auTOUS, kai a-pok-teNEI auTOUS. h. 11:8 THEIR DEATH-CITY: A TERRIBLE DESCRIPTION And their dead :body is on the street of the great :city, kai to PTOma auTON ePI tes plaTEIas tes POle-os tes meGAles,

the which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, HEtis kaLEItai pneu-ma-tiKOS SOdo-ma kai AIgup-tos,

where also their :Lord was crucified. HOpou kai ho KUri-os auTON es-tauROthe.

i. 11:9 SHAME GIVEN TO THEIR DEAD BODIES And from among the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations kai BLEpou-sin ek ton laON kai phuLON kai glosSON kai ethNON they look upon their dead :body three days and a half, to PTOma auTON heMEras treis kai HEmi-su, and suffer not their dead :bodies to be laid in a tomb. kai ta PTOma-ta auTON ouk aPHIou-sin teTHEnai eis MNEma.

j. 11:10 EARTH-DWELLERS: AND THEIR REJOICING And the dwellers on the earth rejoice over them, kai hoi ka-toiKOUNtes ePI tes ges CHAIrou-sin ep' auTOIS,


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