The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 11:2-6

And the court :without the temple leave without, kai ten auLEN ten Exo-then tou naOU EKba-le Exo-then, and do not measure it; because it has been given to the nations: kai me auTEN meTREses; HOti eDOthe tois ETHne-sin: and the holy :city shall they tread under foot kai ten POlin ten haGIan paTEsou-sin forty and two months. MEnas tes-seRAkon-ta kai DUo. c. 11:3 PROPHECY OF THE 2 WITNESSES FOR 42 MONTHS And I will give to my two :witnesses, and they shall prophesy kai DOso tois duSIN MARtuSIN mou, kai pro-pheTEUsou-sin a thousand two hundred and threescore days, heMEras chiLIas di-a-koSIas heXEkon-ta, clothed in sackcloths. pe-ri-bi-bleMEnous SAKkous. d. 11:4 TWO PICTURES OF THE TWO WITNESSES These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands, HOU-TOI ei-sin hai DUo eLAIai kai hai DUo luchNIai,

:standing before the Lord of the earth. hai aNOpi-on tou KuRIou tes ges heSTOtes.

e. 11:5 PUNISHMENT FOR THOSE ATTEMPTING TO HURT THESE TWO WITNESSES And if any desires to hurt them, fire proceeds kai EI tis auTOUS THElei a-diKEsai, pur ek-poREUe-tai out of their :mouth, and devours their :enemies; ek tou STOma-tos auTON, kai ka-tesTHIei tous echTHROUS auTON;

and if any shall desire to hurt them, kai EI tis theLEse auTOUS a-diKEsai, he must thus be killed. HOUtos dei auTON a-pok-tanTHEnai.

f. 11:6 THE UNUSUAL AUTHORITY OF THESE 2 WITNESSES These have the authority to shut the heaven, HOUtoi Echou-sin ten e-xouSIan KLEIsai ton ou-raNON,


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