The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 10:10-11:1

telling him to give me the little book. LEgon auTO DOU-NAI moi to bib-laRIdi-on. f. 10:9b JOHN ORDERED TO EAT IT And he says to me, Take, and eat it up; kai LEgei moi, LAbe, kai kaTApha-ge auTO; and it shall make your :belly bitter, kai pi-kraNEI sou ten koiLIan, but in your :mouth it shall be sweet as honey. all' en to STOmaTI sou EStai gluKU hos MEli.

g. 10:10 JOHN OBEYED And I took the little book out of the hand of the angel, kai Ela-bon to bib-laRIdi-on ek tes cheiROS tou agGElou, and ate it up; and it was in my :mouth as sweet as honey: kai kaTEpha-gon auTO; kai en en to STOmaTI mou hos MEli gluKU: and when I had eaten it, my :belly was made bitter. kai HOte Epha-gon auTO, e-piKRANthe he koiLIa mou. h. 10:11 PROPHECY TO NATIONS TO PROCEED FROM THIS EATING And they say to me, You must prophesy again kai LEgouSIN moi, DEI se PAlin pro-pheTEUsai over many peoples and nations and tongues and kings. ePI laOIS kai ETHne-sin kai GLOSsais kai ba-siLEUsin polLOIS. 2. 11:1-13 THE TEMPLE, THE TWO WITNESSES AND JUDGMENT a. 11:1 JOHN ORDERED TO MEASURE THE TEMPLE And a reed was given me like a rod: Kai eDOthe moi KAla-mos HOmoi-os 'RABdo: one saying, Rise, and measure the temple of :God, LEgon, Egei-rai, kai MEtre-son ton naON tou TheOU, and the altar, and those worshiping in it. kai to thu-si-asTEri-on, kai tous pro-skuNOUNtas en auTO.



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