The Outlined Interlinear Red Letter Edition Panin Bible

Rev 10:6-9

lifted up his :right :hand to :heaven, Eren ten CHEIra auTOU ten de-xiAN eis ton ou-raNON, 6 and swore by him that lives unto the ages of the ages, kai Omo-sen en to ZONti eis tous aiOnas ton aiOnon, who created the heaven and the things in it, hos EKti-sen ton ou-raNON kai ta en auTO, and the earth and th os e in it, and the sea and those in it, kai ten gen kai ta en auTE, kai ten THAlas-san kai ta en auTE, that there shall not be a time any more: HOti CHROnos ouKEti EStai: 7 but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, all' en tais heMErais tes phoNES tou hegDOmou agGElou, when he is about to trump, HOtan MELle salPIzein, then is also finished the mystery of :God, kai e-teLESthe to muSTEri-on tou TheOU, according to the good tidings which he declared

hos eu-egGEli-sen tous he-auTOU to his :bondmen the prophets. DOUlous tous proPHEtas.

d. 10:8 JOHN: ORDERED TO RECEIVE THE ANGELIC BOOKLET And the voice which I heard from :heaven, Kai he phoNE hen Ekou-sa ek tou ou-raNOU, I heard again speaking with me, and saying, Go, PAlin laLOUsan met' eMOU, kai LEgou-san, HUpa-ge, take the booklet which is open in the hand of the angel LAbe to bibLIon to e-ne-ogMEnon en te cheiRI tou anGElou

that stands on the sea and on the earth. tou heSTOtos ePI tes thaLASses kai ePI tes ges. e. 10:9a And I went unto the angel, kai aPELtha pros ton AGge-lon,


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