The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
times, the Christian will be better enabled to read the Old Testament (the Hebrew Scriptures) with some understanding and recognition. We need to know the grand scope and sequence of books like Jeremiah. We learn from *RG·V GHDOLQJV ZLWK VRPH RI WKHVH VWUDQJH VRXQGLQJ SHRSOH DQG SODFHV 7KH OLYHV RI WKH SURSKHWV and their situations provide amazing application to our advanced civilization.
The Book of Jeremiah
This is one of the most amazing books in Scripture! Yes, it is a rather long, drawn-out book (52 chapters 2 ), but there is present here VXFK D WKUREELQJ FRPSDVVLRQ DQG FRQFHUQ IRU *RG·V SHRSOH , that you are FDXJKW XS LQ WKH SURSKHW·V HPRWLRQ :K at we read is what Jeremiah was: he and his book are one and the same. Some of the canonical prophets tell us their message, but do not uncover their emotion and deepest feelings or go into detail about their ministry; this is not true of Jeremiah. ´-HUHPLDK UHFRXQWV PRUH RI KLV own life than any other prophet, telling of his ministry, the reactions of KLV DXGLHQFHV WHVWLQJV DQG KLV SHUVRQDO IHHOLQJV µ 3 You will notice that as he writes his message and history, he sometimes bursts into prayer, incorporating his petitions to God as part of the Scripture (as, 3:22-25; 4:19-26; 5:3). Thus, God uses his prophet to punctuate the sacred text with human intercession, showing He does understand and relate to our feelings. 7KH ERRN·V VHHPLQJO\ XQHQGLQJ IORZ RI VHUPRQV PHVVDJHV oracles and problems--not arranged chronologically--is challenging but
worthwhile! The reader will be awestruck by the determination, tenacity and dedication of this man bringing *RG·V PHVVDJH WR D VSLULWXDOO\ EDQNUXSW SHRSOH 2YHU IRUW\ -some years Jeremiah faithful O\ GHFODUHG *RG·V ZRUG LQ VSLWH RI ULGLFXOH UHMHFWLRQ DQG VHYHUH SHUVHFXWLRQ +LV GHHSHVW feelings are more exposed to the reader than any of the other canonical prophets, as are his persecutions. Andrew Blackwood comments: The most cursory analysis will show that Jeremiah was not a systematic theologian or philosopher; he was a prophet with rare poetic skill. He did not prophesy upon demand or for pay. From time WR WLPH KH UHFHLYHG ´WKH :RUG RI WKH /RUG µ D PHVVDJH WKDW ZDV XVXDOO\ PXFK XQZDQWHG E\ K is contemporaries and frequently by the prophet himself. He expressed the thought, usually, in a poetic oracle which he delivered --often in peril -- to a hostile audience. The Prophecy of Jeremiah tells us more about the process of inspiration than any other part of the entire Bible. It gives fascinating insight into the trials and temptations and dangers of serving God. But even in the biographical portions the book is not, essentially, about Jeremiah; it concerns the World of God, of which Jeremiah was an often unwilling spokesman (emphasis added). 4
2 Although Isaiah has more chapters, Jeremiah actually has more content. 3 The MacArthur Study Bible, p. 1059. 4 Andrew W. Blackwood, Commentary on Jeremiah, p. 14.
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