The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

-HUHPLDK LV RIWHQ FDOOHG ´7KH :HHSLQJ 3URSKHWµ 5 RU ´7KH 3UD\LQJ 3U ophet. µ These terms only partially convey the deep, emotional life of this man of God. His life of burden-bearing and sorrowful praying has been likened to that of Jesus, and rightly so. Jesus undoubtedly found great solace in the life and writings of Jeremiah; just as many of us have found. It is true, when you are having difficult times and need a trustworthy friend to help your praying and thinking ² turn to Jeremiah! From (XJHQH 3HWHUVRQ·V LQWURGXFWLRQ WR -HUHPLDK

Similarities and Differences

Differences between Isaiah and Jeremiah 1. Isaiah seems more optimistic in outlook , whereas Jeremiah seems pessimistic. 2. ,VDLDK KDG ODUJHU SURSKHWLF VFRSH -HUHPLDK·V SULPDU\ FRQFHUQ ZDV -XGDK 3. Isaiah was eloquent in literary style; Jeremiah was prosaic. 4. Isaiah lived in a time when there was some spiritual religion; there was no KHDUW UHOLJLRQ D GHDG HUD LQ -HUHPLDK·V WLPH Note: Jeremiah came 70 years after Isaiah; his ministry covered 40 to 50 years. Similarities between Isaiah and Jeremiah 1. Both began their ministries when they were young men; however, while Isaiah retained his buoyancy, Jeremiah seems to have lost his youth. 2. %RWK PLQLVWHU WKURXJK WKH UHLJQV RI VHYHUDO NLQJV -XGDK·V kings during -HUHPLDK·V WLPH -RVLDK -HKRLDNLP DQG =HGHNLDK 3. The messages of both men were rejected; Isaiah was never persecuted, but Jeremiah was. Similarities between Jeremiah and Jesus in Their Ministries 6 1. Both met tremendous opposition. 2. Both became very unpopular because of their message. 3. The lives of both were threatened. 4. Both were accused of treason . 5. %RWK ZHUH GLVFUHGLWHG DQG UHMHFWHG DV WKH /RUG·V PHVVHQJHUV 6. The citizens of their native cities scorned and maligned them. 7. Both could be strong and stern, but often showed tenderness and compassion. 8. Both foretold the destruction of Jerusalem. 9. Both were noted for their outstanding prayer ministries.

5 See Jeremiah 9:1; 13:17; 14:17; Lamentations 3:49. 6 - 6LGORZ %D[WHU VD\V ³, NQRZ RI QR PDQ ZKR UHYHDOV D WUXHU KHDUW -likeness to Jesus Himself than does Jeremiah, in his suffering sympathy both with God and men, in his unretaliating forbearance, his yearning concern for his fellows, his guileless motive, his humility, his willingness for self-sacrifice, and his utter faithfulness, even to the point of unsparing severity in GHQXQFLDWLRQ« -HUHPLDK¶V QDW ure was such that he simply could not be merely a transmitter, able to detach his own feelings from WKDW ZKLFK KH ZDV FRPPLVVLRQHG WR GHFODUH« +LV RZQ KHDUW -strings vibrated to every major and every minor chord. The man and KLV PHVVDJH ZHUH RQH ´ Explore the Book, Vol. 3, p. 260


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