The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

Before Jeremiah, Read Some Thoughts on Bible Reading Is there really a value in the average person reading a difficult book like Jeremiah, usually not relating to most of the 52 chapters, finding it difficult to identify with the various nations (previously unheard of) from a time in history usually not studied in many schools? Sometimes the names of the principal characters are hard to pronounce and easily forgotten, and the teachers in secular schools openly discredit and ridicule the historicity of what we read. 8VXDOO\ KRZHYHU QHZ &KULVWLDQV DUH XUJHG WR ´UHDG WKH %LEOH WKURXJK µ DQG EHFRPH D ´GDLO\ UHDGHU RI WKH %LEOH µ Is this realistic? My personal answer is based on being a diligent student of the Bible for nearly seventy years, starting in my high school days and having open warfare with teachers who ridiculed both its stories and miraculous content. I have personally read the Bible through many times, beginning with the King James Version for many years--a version that now seems to require undaunted courage for youth and adults to read in our electronic age--and continuing to read the Bible through in various contemporary versions. I have gradually accumulated over a dozen versions and translations of the Bible, and now with computer programs have instant access to over fifty versions! I am grateful for the Bible publishers and the religious publishing houses for taking on the challenge of biblically educating a world-wide audience who is speaking and reading English, every reader approaching such study from their own linguistic, cultural background. Also, thankfully, many churches are working hard at making the Bible relevant and meaningful for WRGD\·V \RXWK DQG DGXOWV Every serious Christian needs to acquire one of the good study Bibles now available: one having cross-references and a concordance and basic information for each book. Also acquire a Bible version in contemporary English like The Message or The New Living Translation; break out of the academic language box that stifles your comprehension! 7KH %LEOH FODLPV IRU LWVHOI WR EH ´*RG - EUHDWKHG µ WKDW LV ´LQVSLUHG E\ *RG µ 7LPRWK\ 3:16). I am deeply satisfied that this is true; having experienced the life-changing, life-enhancing power that Scripture has given to my life. There is great value in reading the Bible through every year, and being a part of a Bible-believing church that gives biblical instruction. There is a timeless relevance to the Bible: truths true for Jerusalem and Babylon are still applicable today in New York and Hong Kong. *RG·V :RUG KDV life-giving nourishment for every person. A Suggested Approach. A new convert should be directed to read first about Jesus in the four Gospels, then find out about the early Church in Acts and the wonderful, practical information supplied by the epistles (letters) of the writing apostles. Reading each gospel separately supplies the reader with new material about Jesus, while at the same time repeating many episodes with helpful new perspectives. A version of the New Testament that somehow highlights the passages of the Old Testament being referenced is very helpful. 1 Having gone through such a New Testament several

1 The New King James (NKJ) indents a quotation and prints it in italics and quotes; the New International Version (NIV) indents and puts in quotes; the New American Standard (NAS) puts the quotes in capital letters without special indenting; the Jewish New Testament (JNT) puts the quotes in bold face; the Holman Christian Study Bible (HCSB) sets the quotes apart from the text and makes the quote heavy bold type.


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