The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Consider the prophet Isaiah, his times and his challenges. Here we have a man whose prophetic ministry spanned the reigns of four Judean kings, and possibly died a martyr under a fifth king, covering at least forty, perhaps sixty years! Coincidentally-- or perhaps by Divine design-- his QDPH PHDQV ´7KH /25' LV 6DOYDWLRQµ DQG WKLV WXUQV RXW WR EH WKH WKHPH RI WKH ERRN Eighth FHQWXU\ % & ZDV ERWK ´WKH EHVW RI WLPHV DQG WKH ZRUVW RI WLPHV µ

The Contemporary Kings of Judah

Uzziah Jotham

787-755 B.C. 749-734 B.C. 741-726 B.C. 726-697 B.C. 697-642 B.C.

A good king Long & successful reign Good. Mostly co-regent with Uzziah


Very wicked 2 Chron 28 A good king 2 Chron 29 Very wicked 2 Chron 33

Hezekiah Manasseh

The Contemporary Kings of Israel

Jeroboam II Zechariah Menahem Pekahiah

790-749 B.C.

A long, prosperous, idolatrous reign

748 B.C. 748 B.C.

Assassinated, Shallum Extremely brutal Assassinated by Pekah

738-736 B.C. 748-730 B.C. 730-721 B.C.

Pekah Hoshea

Captivity of North Israel (734 B. C.)

Samaria fell (721 B. C.). End of Northern Kingdom 1

Isaiah was a prophet of Judah, the southern kingdom, during the time that the northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians. A Review of the Assyrian Advance «DQG Demise ´:KHQ ,VDLDK FDPH WR WKH IRUH LQ -XGDK WKH WHQ -tribe northern kingdom (Israel) was nearing its destruction by Assyria, after its apostate career of some two hundred years, under no less than nineteen kings, of eight different families. Against the fierce menace of the Assyrian emperor, Tiglath-Pileser II, effort was made among the nations of Palestine and Syria to form a confederacy under the leadership of Damascus, capital of Syria (Syria must not be confused with Assyria, the far greater power of which the capital was Nineveh). Ahaz, king of Judah, would not join this confederacy. So Syria and Israel invaded Judah, to coerce Ahaz, and dealt heavy blows (2 Kings XVI; 2 Chron. XXVII.). Ahaz then humbly craved

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