The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
The Book of Isaiah
,VDLDK·V JUHDW SURSKHWLF -poetic-historical masterpiece has long been considered the centerpiece gem of the Hebrew Scriptures. Sixty-six chapters run the gamut of severe judgment, merciful intervention and glorious future restoration. Woven throughout, like glistening gold threads in a luxurious tapestry, are the more than three dozen exciting portends of a glorious Coming Personality upon whom will rest the Spirit of the living God. This glorious Servant of the LORD will be known to all future generations as the Messiah, the
Christ-- *RG·V DQRLQWHG 6DYLRU RI ERWK ,VUDHO·V EHOLHYLQJ UHPQDQW DQG WKH FRQYHUWHG SHRSOHV RI DOO nations. ,VDLDK·V DPD]LQJ LQVLJKWV QRW RQO\ OLJKW XS WKH PHDQLQJ RI WKH +HEUHZ 6FULSWXUHV EXW they fall upon the New Testament portion of the Bible with an incendiary effect. They give meaning and proof that this Servant is none other than Jesus of Nazareth, only begotten Son of the living God: crucified, buried, resurrected, ascended and now sitting o Q 'DYLG·V WKURQH Many heavy volumes have been written through the ages to discuss, interpret and speculate on the prophetic sweep and historical scope of this biblical Alpine Peak. Like a shining, snow-clad Matterhorn, Isai DK·V ´0RXQWDLQ RI WKH /25'µ V till beckons *RG·V SHRSOH ZLWK LWV grandeur and beauty, challenging zealous students determined to master the tricky slopes of its ingenious sixty-six chapters. This study will not plumb the very depths or climb the very heights, but it will introduce some key viewing points that can lift your understanding of God, the Messiah Jesus and the entire Scripture to a much higher level. The contents are abbreviated, reduced and sometimes charted, so use them like a telescope to view the vast mountain!
In this study, we will explore eleven major thoughts:
1. The Good, Bad and Ugly 2. Review of the Assyrian Advance « DQG Demise 3. Outline of the Book of Isaiah
4. Structure of the Book 5. The Prophet Himself 6. The Call 7. The Sons of Isaiah 8. The Deliverance of Jerusalem 9. Chart of the Messianic Prophecies 10. The Four Servant Songs 11. Only One Isaiah
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