The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
the aid of the great Assyrian, who marched forth a great army which overthrew Syria and Israel; but Judah thereby became vassal to Assyria. ´$ OLWWOH ODWHU 7LJODWK - 3LOHVHU·V VXFFHVVRU 6KDOPDQHVHU ,9 GHWHUPLQHG RQ WKH ILQDO GHVWUXFWLRQ RI ,VUDHO $IWHU D WKUHH \HDUV· VLHJH 6DPDULD IHOO .LQJV ;9,, - ,VUDHO ZDV ¶FDUULHG DZD\ LQWR $VV\ULD · and the ten-tribes were distributed through ¶WKH FLWLHV RI WKH 0HGHV · ,VDLDK ZRXOG WKHQ EH between fifty and sixty years old. ´-XGDK UHPDLQHG YDVVDO WR $VV\ULD till [sic] the reign of Hezekiah who rebelled (2 Kings XVIII.). This move would be supported by Isaiah who ever advocated reliance on Jehovah, and freedom from foreign alliances. There were other voices, however, to which Hezekiah listened. These urged alliance with Egypt, the one power equal to Assyria (Isa. XXX.2-4). When the Assyrian monarch (now Sennacherib) came to lay low the rebellious Jews Egypt failed to send aid, Judea was overrun, and Hezekiah was forced to buy off the Assyrian with much gold and silver, and became vassal again 2 King XVIII.13- %XW -XGDK·V LQWULJXHV with Egypt continued; and Sennacherib soon came back. While his main force cut off Egypt from Judah he sent a smaller force to threaten and if possible seize Jerusalem (Isa. XXXVI.; XXXVII.). At last Hezekiah fell EDFN RI ,VDLDK·V DGYLFH 7KH UHVXOW we well know. A mighty disaster befell the Assyrian army, from which Sennacherib never recovered. Judah was freed from threat of invasion, and enjoyed a good spell of peace (emphasis added). µ 2
Outline of the Book of Isaiah
Section I. Prophecies of Condemnation
Against Judah (1:1-12:6) A. Judgment of Judah (1:1-31) B. Day of the LORD (2:1-6) C. Parable of the Vineyard (5:1-30) D. Commission of Isaiah (6:1-13)
E. Destruction of Israel by Assyria (7:1-10:4) F. Destruction of Assyria by God (10:5-12:6)
Against Other Nations Hostile to Judah (13:1-23:18) Babylon, Assyria, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Ethiopia, Egypt, Babylon, Dumah (Edom), Arabia, Jerusalem, Tyre
The Day of the LORD (24:1-27:13) A. Tribulation Judgments (24:1-23) B. Triumphs of Kingdom (25:1-27:13)
Judgment and Blessing (28:1-35:10)
2 J. Sidlow Baxter, Explore the Book, Vol. 3, pp. 218-219.
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