The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Twelve References in Hosea Mentioned in the New Testament
1. 1:10 2. 2:23
Rom 9:26; 1 Pet 2:10 « ...........You are not my people Rom 9:25; 11:12; 1 Pet 2:10 « Those who were not my people Ac 2:30 ««««« «««« David their king 1 Cor 15:4 «««««««« After two days Jm 5:7; Ac 2 ««««««« Come to us like the rain Mt 9:13; 12:7; Lk 6:6 ««« .I desire mercy Lk 23:30 ««««««« « .. 6D\ WR WKH PRXQWDLQV ´FRYHU XV µ
3. 3:5 4. 6:2 5. 6:3
6. 6:6 7. 10:8 8. 10:12
Jm 5:7 ««««««««« .. ¶7L ll He comes and rain righteousness on \RX ´OHW His justice fall RQ \RX OLNH UDLQµ Mt 2:15 «««««««« Out of Egypt I call My Son ( ´, called Him out of Egypt to be my 6RQµ 3
9. 11:1
10. 12:10 11. 13:14 12. 14:2
Mt 13:14-15, 35 ««««« ..have given symbols [parables] 1 Cor 15:54-55 «««««« I will ransom them Heb 13:15 ««««««« Offer the sacrifices of our lips
The Many Metaphors of Hosea (34)
1. Like a stubborn calf, 4:16 2. Like those who remove a landmark (common land-thieves), 5:10 3. God will be like a moth and rottenness, 5:12 4. Like rain (God will come), 6:13 5. Faithfulness like a morning cloud, like early dew, 6:4 6. Like an oven, flaming fire (sexually aroused, lawless), 7:4-7 7. /LNH D FDNH XQWXUQHG ´VFRUFKHG RQ RQH VLGH XQFRRNHG RQ WKH RWKHU µ 3 8. $ VLOO\ GRYH ´ZLWOHVV IRROLVK µ 3 9. $ GHFHLWIXO ERZ ´QHYHU VKRRWV VWUDLJKW µ 3 10. Like an eagle (swift vengeance for forgetting the law), 8:1 11. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind, 8:7 12. /LNH D YHVVHO LQ ZKLFK LV QR SOHDVXUH ´FKHDSHQHG KLPVHOI µ 3 13. /LNH D ZLOG GRQNH\ ´ZDQGHULQJ RII DORQH µ 3 14. Like grapes in the wilderness, 9:10 15. Judgment springs up like Hemlock in the furrows of the field, 10:4 16. Cut off like a twig, 10:7 17. /LNH D GRYH ´HDJHUµ WR FRPH 3 18. Deceitful scales, 12:7
19. Like the early dew, 13:3 20. Like chaff blown, 13:3 21. Like smoke from a chimney, 13:3 22. Like a lion, 13:7 23. Like a leopard, 13:7 24. Like a bear, 13:7 25. Like a lion, 13:7 26. Like a wild beast, 13:7 27. Like the dew (refreshing), 14:5
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