The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Jezreel: ´*RG VFDWWHUV RU VRZVµ ; judgment coming, recalls the massacre at Jezreel Lo-ruhammah : ´1RW ORYHG µ RU ´1R 0HUF\µ [NIV], people not obtaining mercy Lo-ammi ´6WUDQJHUµ >3K *1@ µ1RW 0\ 3HRSOHµ >1,9 1/7@ ´1RERG\ µ >UHMHFWHG@ As the story unfolds, you will find four great truths that impacted Hosea, Gomer, their children and everyone who has seriously studied this remarkable prophetic document:
1. God suffers when His people (all people) are unfaithful (like a loving father grieving because he sees his dear child heading for destruction). 2. God cannot tolerate or condone sin (because sin blasts and spoils those whom God loves). 3. God still loves, in spite of sin (He will not compromise or relinquish His own nature!). 4. God seeks the sinner in order to restore (He loves people). 10
´*R $JDLQ µ ´7KHQ WKH /25' VDLG WR PH ¶*R DJDL n, love a woman who is loved by a lover and is committing adultery, just like the love of the LORD for the children of Israel, who look to other gods and love the raisin cakes of the pagans µ (Hosea 3:1, NKJ, a key verse; other key verses: 4:1 and 11:7-9). *RG·V ORYH and passion beckoned the discouraged prophet, and dutifully he went forth to seek for his lost sheep. He found the shrunken, abused shell of the EHDXWLIXO ZRPDQ KH KDG PDUULHG « but he bought her, SDLG KDOI WKH JRLQJ SULFH IRU D VODYH DQG D VODYH·V UDWLRQV IRU D GD\ 6R V he returned and entered a period (with Hosea) of deprivation in which her bodily functions returned to normal, the crazy thoughts gained in her escapades passed from her mind, her womanly instincts of family life again came into focus, and the blessing of God and serious commitment again settled upon the woman and her man, the man who risked all to save her. It is probably true that Hosea went after Gomer not because he loved her, but because God sent him. As he went, however, and brought back the estranged woman, his love returned and he joyfully restored her. Hosea might have said that his marriage was the mistake of his life, just as God could have said His relationship with Israel was a great tragedy-- EXW +RVHD·V KHDUW DQG *RG·V KHDUW VWD\HG IDLWKIXO DQG WKH HUULQJ RQH s were restored.
Outline of the Book of Hosea
I. The Faithful Husband & the Unfaithful Wife (1:2-3:5) A. Hosea and Gomer (1:1-9) B. God and Israel (1:10-2:23) C. Both Parties Reconciled (3:1-5) II. The Faithful God & the Unfaithful Nation (Chs. 4-14) A. ,VUDHO·V 6LQ )RXQG *XLOW\ -6:3) B. ,VUDHO·V 3XQLVKPHQW 3XW Away (6:4-10:15) C. ,VUDHO·V 5HVWRUDWLRQ 5HVWRUHG WR WKH /RUG -14)
10 The four italicized points taken from Morgan, pp. 21-24.
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