The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

28. G w (blo ) like th lil 14 5 34. Sce 33. Gro 5HY 32. 31. Fra 30. Bea 5RR 29. 28. Gro e the wine of Lebanon, nt lik row like the vine, 14:7 YLYHGOLNHJUDLQ ´IORXULVKOLN grance like Lebanon, 14:6 eauty like an olive tree, 14:6 RWVOLNH/HEDQRQ ´VWULNHURRW row (bloom) like the lily, 14:5




Amazing Stat Amazing

ements in Hosea Statements in Hosea

9. In th He 8. 7. Spirit of 6. Ephra People 5. 4. Harlo 3. They ha 2. My pe 1. Then s

their affliction they will seek M (God) has withdrawn Himself pirit of harlotry is in their midst, phraim is joined to idols, 4:17 rstandwi that do not unde rlotry, wine and new wine ens They have ceased obeying the L y people are destroyed for lack Then she forgot Me, 2:13 u have played the harlot aga ismaker, Israel has forgotten H Israel is defiled, 6:10 them by the prophet avehewn ey I am God, and not man, the y people are bent on backslidin It is time to seek the LORD, 10:1 y God will cast them away, 9 ecame an abomination li They b The prophet is a fool, the spiritua Israel you are destroyed, but yo efore they forgot me, 13:6. Ther found Him in Bethel, (Jacob) you, by the help of God, return,

will be trampled, 4:14 enslave the heart, 4:11 Lord, 4:10 ck of knowledge, 4:6

k Me, 5:15 self from them, 5:6 idst, 5:4 phets, 6:5 e,

The 14. 13. You 12. Isra 11. Isra 10. I ha

e Holy One in your midst, 11 iding, 11:7 12 :17 ke the thing they loved, 9:18 piritual man is insane, 9:7 gainst your God, 9:1 8:14 8

19. For 18. My pe 17. It is ti 16. My Go 15. They b 23. Isra 22. Ther He 21. 20. Soyo


el, 12:4 turn, 12:6.

ut your help is from Me, 13:9


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