The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
GHGLFDWHG KLV OLIH DQG ILQDOO heol), losing all hope. Fo whole experience was terrifyi im. Of course, it was not TO rtunately the fish, as described h al e fish swallowed Jona 12:40) day . ophetic day experience as a pr an on the shore. e hapless m eed like a torpedo toward God spoke to ² anksgiving and had star ² forts parently waiting until H /25' VSRNH WR WKH ILVK« color the app in Israeli was D w into Amazi this com ² coloring on his skin e deep, possibly losing h pearance of the prophet had b forty days the city wou aelites and Assyrians used was apparently speaking in because of bell-ringer VQ·W to a three-day fast, confessi ² mazingly, the whole city ook up the city. color g o is sk th s com W FOLPDWHV JURZV UDSLGO\ W OFRPH VKDGH WR WKH PLVHU ovide shade from the brigh Finding a vantage point on e shade, but upset that God was so g (4:6) KRW ZHO provide Fin the s the spe tha discom Ap ey turned from their evil w (3:10) way shoo t e LORD prepared a plan
etic sign of His own three-day O\ EURNH LQWR ZRUVKLSIXO WK For three days and three n ying and prayer-inciting. Fo OO comfortable for Jonah in our introduction, escribed live (1:17) e. the Holy Land, finally disgo to the fish, causing it to in to give praise started instead the prophet had vented Jonah onto dry l «YRPLWLQJ s combined by his surprise app his hair and acquiring sp ad been altered during his t would be destroyed. Probably d on occasion, simply warn the Aramaic tongue wh he unhappy p ger messages. T essing great repentance. It certain humans and animals alike s combi ed by s su p ise app
UHG (Sh wh him. For 7. The f
day sojourn in death and the tom KDQNVJLYLQJ -HVXV XVHG -R nights, the prophet search Forhim it was like descend of chapter 2 i ! The prayer arp teeth did not have sh
b (Mt d the tom - RQDK·V WKUHH ched his soul, ding into hell indicates the to pulverize
H Th 8.
disgorging instantly aise and ted all his anguish, comp (2:10) ry land
plaints, and
9. They turned
certainly went ² ke
earance and gloomy me ise app splotchy is time in the obably warning that ich both y prophet
message really
e L 10. Th
HDYHV µ DVW JURZLQJ FDVWRU RLO SOD a fast growing plant to ted onah constructed a simp 5 eveh. The prophet was
which in DQW to bring more imple shelter to was grateful for
R JLYH VKDGH ZLWK ODUJH OH DEOH PDQ SRVVLEO\ ´WKH ID t sunshine. God planted brigh of town, Jo on the outskirts racious to Nineve d was so g
ch GR +LV PDVWHU·V ELGGLQJ God prepared a worm (ju d prepared a worm (4:7)
WRG So, 11. God
chewing away until the plan ust as easily as he prepared
lant died, causing loss of coo ed the fish), and the worm
cooling shade. m proceeded
5 The MacArthu
p. 1296. r Study Bible,
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