The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
12. God prepared a vehement east wind (4:8)
Then God unleashed the hot breath of the east wind WR EHDW RQ WKH SURSKHW· s head. The poor man became faint and angry. Then FDPH *RG·V VWLQJLQJ FULWLFLVP - -you pity the plant, but not the people of Nineveh that repented.
The Message of Jonah
Readers must not look so intently at the great fish that they fail to see the great God! Realize that Jonah teaches us to forget our prejudices and see all men as God sees them. This particularly applies to the Church, for the only sign that Jesus would give for his ministry was that he would be buried for three days like Jonah (Mt 12:40). Unlike the prophet who hated the sign and grudgingly went on his mission, let us readily carry His message of love and forgiveness to every sinning nation, rejoicing over every sinner that repents and calls on the one true and living God!
Discussion Questions 1. Have you ever heard of a man who was swallowed by a fish and lived?
2. Why was Jonah reluctant to go to Nineveh?
3. The LORD prepared _____________________.
4. He also prepared _______________________.
5. And, He prepared__________________________.
6. What do you think of Jo Ȃȱǵ
7. What do you think of how God handled Jonah?
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