The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

stroy their city in 40 days-- 1LQHYHK RQH RI $VV\ULD·V ng, making him an inspired t God spoke to and through e word of the LORD came rd (1:1) e Prophetic Wo eaction shows he did not th stroy their city in 40 days reacti in acc D WK know ancient Assyrian records, ounts of their cruel treatm KUHDW ´$VV\ULDQ FUXHOW\ ow that Assyria had weake gn YH SUHSDUHG WKH SHRSOH IRU lagues (765 and 759 B.C.) an occurred in the reign of Ash B.C. The seventh centuries t, he could not outrun Go d (in the taking ship westwar onah had no desire to see f t out a great w e LORD sen gre aged and all on boar e sea r HGLWHUUDQHDQ 6HD ´7KH /2 KDY plagu occu seven Go The d in repentance. Jonah was e spiritual climate of the gr the sea r 0H 3; Josh 7 onah. Note Prov 16:3 d were responsible. The tr sperately seekingthe reaso (1:7) e lot fell on Jonah d from its raging e sea cease eluctant servants. NotePsa 89: ntrolling the sea is an easy m relu Con e right moment to catch th iving right on time, position ow and in what way the fis [lit., e LORD had prepared QHYHK·V 3UHSDUDWLRQ

destr WR1 bein but The 1. The Prop

LQHYHK VKDOO EH RYHUWKURZ hose idolatrous Gentiles th was f God. The message him, breathing His Word in something he thought up or


ZQ -RQDK V ZQ µ -RQDK·V that God will startling! Go into his total determined,

! t think up the idea

1LQ 2.

oboam II of Israel (782-753 ripe forsuch a remarkable stil of mild decline, and yet

B.C.), kable turning to 3 still remained so we

ds, especially from the nin eatment of captives have been KDG EHFRPH OHJHQGDU\ was in a period eaker rulers, U -RQDK·V PHVVDJH RI MXGJ and a solar eclipse (763 B.C shurdan III (773-755 B.C repentance of Nineveh p God. Waiting until the sh direction), probably opposite forgiveness granted to the at wind (1:4) for their lives. board despaired 25' VHQW RXW D JUHDW ZLQG as a contemporary ofJerobo great city was apparently (1:15) ng osh 7:14ff; 15:1; 1 Sam 14:336 e true God had no hesitation eason for the storm, the sailor 48. 8-29; Mk 6: sa 89:9; 107:2 easy matter for the Lord, and the terrified run away. ositioning itself beside the boat an ish was prepared, we do not fish a great ., appointed]

inth and been found *UDSKLF JPHQW µ B.C.) may .). Two probably 4

But, takin Jona 3. The LO

ves. G µ D GLYLQHO\ VHQW ZLQG VR ip was out in the deep wat obably headingfor a cityin dista e hated Assyrians, so he

R VWURQJ WKDW waters of the distant Spain. cut and ran,

Jona Go Desp 4. The l

kn c 1:26. 4:336-45; A ation in letting them know. T to determine ors drew lots

he lot fel l on who and his

e 5. Th

to deal with

d He certainly knows how

kn e boat and opening its mighty m ot know. The fish responded ) 17 (1:

the r arrivi How e L 6. Th

ty maw at just onded perfectly,

i 3 See 2 Kings 14 4 The New Open

4:25 which speaks of his nationalistic z (Nashville: Thomas Bible Study Edition

zealandencouragementtoJereboam II. mas Nelson Publishers, 1983), p. 1028. II.


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