The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

PLWWDQFH IHH EHLQJ DGYHUWLVH The account concluded by sa s found to be suffering from ey were amazed to find the m ore and opened it, to give the were too light to haul up the body urred, the fish was sighted entire trawler fleet put out frightened the utcry that they picked up again, the shark, feed DGP fit. ish d odd patches of a yellow J GHVFULSWLRQ ´+LV SK\VLF µ /DWHU 5LPP like Jonah 5LPPHU·V VXPPDU\ ´7K was they sho were occurr The outcr picked

G DV ´7KH -RQDK RI WKH 7ZHQ saying that the man was on EURZQ FRORU FRYHUHG KLV h FDO DSSHDUDQFH ZDV RGG L PHU GLG DFWXDOO\ PHHW WKH KHUH DUH FUHDWXUHV ZKLFK V shock alone, and a few hour man unconscious but alive! body of their friend Christia body of the mighty denizen of and slain with a one-pound ut to hunt the fish down, fish, and it sounded and dis and engulfed h ding, turned

ade so much

QWLHWK &HQWXU\ µ exhibit in a London Museum V HQWLUH VNLQ µ that his entire body was LQ PDQ GHVFULEHG DERYH DQ VZLP WKH VHDV ZKLFK FRXO s later was discharged as bein He was rushed to the hospita tianburial. But when the shark the deep, so they towed the d deck gun. The winches on and forty-eight hours after appeared. him. His horrified friends ma

ing physically ital, where he rk was opened, carcass to the n the trawlers ter the accident seum at a shilling

was devoid of QG JLYHV WKLV G«EH KRVWV

hair, and o LQWHUHVWLQJ to a man l U D

Out utline of the Book of Jo



Jonah Cuts A. -RQD B. The uns from His Mis s and R DK·V&DOODQG)OLJKW FKV 6DLORUV·:RHIXO&U\ e Disobedient Prophet Ex own to the Raging Sea (1:11 g ea (1:11 he Rag uished Cry from Hell An Ang RPPLVVLRQ 5HQHZHG Herald to Nineveh (3:1 Great City Repents (3:5 ) s (3:10 e Lord Relent Is Displeased (4:1 . Jonah -5) 3:1-4) 5) he B. T C. Th D. Jonah C. The D D. Thro E. An Ang -RQDK·V&R A. A

Mission V -2) -6) Exposed (1:7-10) ea (1:11-16) ea (1:11 16)

Hell (2:1-9)



E. Go

s His Concer od Explain

n (4:6-11)

A Story w

racles with 12 Mi

remarkable the miracle The f of Israel." teach the ten

in of God. le working power e following is an abbreviated

on a supernatural phase d. Twelve connecting mir viated account of the Book of J

of the story. "Jonah's sto miracles form the backbon of Jonah, told in a way to em ah hus to rebuke the false excl clusiveness story was to ne of this emphasize als

kable account, each focusing d enderness of God towar

an a a repentant nation and th


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