The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
The Book of Jon
Special Introdu This t le city Genti
gn XHVWLRQ the agnostic. Q EXW -RQDK·V H[SHULHQFH many miraculous accoun ything miraculous is susp HD FUHDWXUH ZDV ´SUHSDUHG d the modern mind easily the original Bible texts do HSXWDEOH FRQILUPDWLRQ RI eader in my early teens, I µ a fish and survive? wed by Q ag ible. Since I became a zealou scientific minds laugh at gh school and colleges I fou iracle has become a byword. s story has been told arou st a few words here DQG DOZD\V WUD Testament PDQ µ )LUVW KH H[SODLQHG WKH FKDOOH . Rimmer faced hat men have been swallowed great plates in its mouth VKDUN µ ´7K - G WKH ´ZKDOH Rhinodon ² wer of Jonah structions, Rimmer reported \ ntist as well. I was thrilled my delight I finally found ctuall hat such a thing was a ction: A Whale of a Stor Introdu is three-chapter book presen u ty of Nineveh, a distastef gn y A Whale of a Stor rboar e crew throw him ove takesship in theopposite dir , ty
esents the story of a Galilea ul assignment for any Isr ard and a fish swallows Jo direction to escape the assign y sig
lean prophet 1 raelite. So distasteful, in f onah. gnment, but God apprehe l,
sent by God to the
fact, that the to the wicked ends Jonah at act,
Of course, SRVVLEOH UH Bible read imp WKDW WKH VH whale, and sea, has the prophet takes it impossib years that secular hig the miracle miraculous Just many course, words, anyth
-RQDK·V H[SHULHQFH I searched for any nts in the Hebrew spect! There were, of G E\ *RG µ ,Q RWKHU ly skips over the fact QRW FDOO ´WKH ILVKµ D do ould a man be ´& e VHHPV WR KROG WK tian and s Chris zealou y, declaring the stor ound in my younger d. While attending ound the world, and t that. This abou
focus of t 6FULSWXUHV
swallowed by
in the Old DOORZD sw Dr. showing th through gr VKDUN µ DQG the swallo their constr and a scien To th discover
DQVODWHG ´ILVK µ $IWHU D ORQ WKDW WKH ZRUG WUDQVODWHG ´ HQJH WKDW ´WKHUH LV QR ZK called variously s, nodon Typicu \ RQH ´DV IDU DV ZH N ted onl NQ by this great fish. Rimme lowed stated Rimmer. Variou µ , KLV VKDUN KDYLQJ QR WHHWK e monstrous sharks this sailo hinodon in the English Chan evoted to current events conta The to acquire his book led d the writings of Harry Rimme ally possible!
he Harmony of Science and Sc immer, D.D., Sc.D., a genuin
Scripture e believer a genuin 2 and
QJ GLVFXVVLRQ RI ZKDOHV OD appearing nin dag, ´ILVKµ LV KDOH WKDW KDV D WKURDW ODUJ r illustrated: imme ious documented cases ar IHHGV OLNH WKH ZKDOH VWUDLQ VKDUN µ WKH ´ - ´ERQH sly the would make it a ca NQRZ µ J or fell overboard, and before nel. Briefly the account stated tained an account of an English
DUJH ILVK DQG neteen times JH HQRXJK WR are available QLQJ LWV IRRG -Pacific ´,QGR candidate for J
attempt was Som to harpoon one of these ttempt s swallowed by a gigantic Rh me years ago a magazine dev
re he could be ted that in the sh sailor who
1 Jonah was a pr 2 ´ theWhale. Harry Rimmer
rophet of Gath-hepher, a small town loc The Harmony of Science and Scripture r,
f Nazareth, in the ki cated 3 miles NE o *UDQG 5DSLGV 0, :P % (HUGPD re
ingdom ofnorthernIsrael. DQV &KDSWHU9 ³0RGHUQ6FLHQF FH -RQDK DQG
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