The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Three men arrive in Jerusalem from Babylon with some silver and gold that has been donated for helping the exiles in their restoration project. God gave a remarkable word to Zechariah: the precious metals are to be taken and made into a crown, a composite diadem (the two metals probably made into long strands and then interwoven together like a wreath). The crown was to be put on the head of the priest Joshua, gold signifying kingship, and silver signifying priesthood. By placing the gold- VLOYHU FURZQ XSRQ WKH SULHVW·V KHDG ZKRVH QDPH LQ Greek is Jesus!), the prophet performs a prophetic enactment, showing that the coming Messiah (Jesus!) will be both Priest and King over his people. After the ceremony, the beautiful interwoven crown is to be placed in the newly built temple as a prophetic memorial acknowledging the offering of the three men, but also that the Messiah will eventually come--He who is known to the prophets as The Branch. This is similar to the approach in the 5 th vision of the Lampstand and the Olive Trees in which Zerubbabel was empowered to completely finish the temple, bringing forth the capstone amid shouts of praise. 7KLV FDQQRW KHOS EXW UHPLQG XV RI -HVXV ´EXLOGLQJ KLV FKXUFK µ +H +LPVHOI being the foundation and the capstone!
Portends of Christ
Zechariah References Messianic Descriptions
NT References
The angel of the Lord The righteous Branch
Jude 9
1. 3:1-2
Lk 3:23, 32; Jn 15:5; Rev 5:5
2. 3:8; 6:12-13
The stone with seven eyes
Rev 5:6 Heb 8:1
3. 3:9 4. 6:13
The King-Priest crowned with gold & silver The humble King, exalted to total dominion The cornerstone, tent peg, and bow of battle The good Shepherd, rejected and sold for thirty shekels of silver, the price of a slave
Mt 21:4-5
5. 9:9-10
1 Pet 2:6-7
6. 10:4
Mt 27:3-10
7. 11:12-13; 13:7
The pierced One
Jn 19:34, 37; Rev 1:7
8. 12:10
The cleansing fountain (remove iniquity) The smitten Shepherd who is abandoned
9. 13:1
Mt 26:31, 56, 67; Jn 20:25, 27
10. 13:6-7
The coming Judge and righteous King
Ac 1:10-11; Rev 11:15
11. 14
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