The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

Four Messages on Fasting $ FRPPLWWHH LV VHQW WR LQWHUYLHZ DQG DVN WKH SURSKHWV DQG SULHVWV ´6KRXOG , ZHHS LQ WKH fifth month and fast as I have done for VR PDQ\ \HDUV"µ 7KLV JHQHUDWHG four straight-from-the shoulder messages from Zechariah: 1. Rebuke of Hypocrisy (7:4-7): You would have been better off to obey than fast 2. Repent of Disobedience (7:8-14):

Two Types of Futuristic Prophecies

Specific Messianic Prophecies

Other Futuristic Prophecies

1. The King Will Coming Riding a Donkey (9:9) 2. The King Will Bring Peace (9:10) 3. My Wages, 30 pieces of silver (11:12-13) 4. Crucifixion of the Messiah, and the Mourning of Jerusalem (12:10-14) 5. A Fountain for Cleansing (13:1) 6. Wounded in the House of Friends (13:6) 7. Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep Will Be Scattered (13:7) 8. His Feet Will Stand on the Mount of Olives (14:4) 9. The LORD Shall Be King over All the Earth (14:8-9)

1. Judgment on Surrounding Nations (9:1-8)

2. God Will Save His People (9:14-17; 10:1) 3. God Will Punish the Shepherds (10:3)

4. Redemption of Israel (10:4-12)

5. The Good and Bad Shepherds (11:4-17) 6. Salvation of Jerusalem and Judah (12:1-9) 7. Idols Destroyed, False Prophets Depart (13:1-5) 8. All Nations Against Jerusalem (14:1-2)

9. Great Judgment but Final Victory (14:10-20)

6 Based on approach of Baxter, Explore the Book, p. 239.


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