The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

Here is a clue to the difference between the first and the second parts of the prophecy of Zechariah. In the first part he urges these people to that which was of supreme importance to them as a nation- -the building of the temple--by the prophecies which show the far-reaching effect of this work in the coming and Kingdom of the Messiah. In the latter part, he deals more in detail with certain aspects of that great future. 4

The Call to Repentance (1:1-6)

This short, powerful exhortation is reminiscent of Haggai ·V PHVVDJHV =HFKDULDK EULQJV a view of the past and brings the advice: ´·5HWXUQ WR 0H · VD\V WKH /25' RI KRVWV ¶DQG , ZLOO UHWXUQ WR \RX·µ (v. 3). 7KH SURSKHW·V UHPLQGHU RI KRZ WKHLU IDWKHUV GLG QRW OLVWHQ WR WKH SURSKHWV is probably a subtle way of urging the people to listen to the words of Haggai. The Eight Visions (1:7-6:8) Three approaches can be used in interpreting these visions: 1) Apply the significance to the times of Zechariah, 2) Make a spiritual application to the Church, and 3) Apply the interpretation to Israel and the events of the future. There have been many interpretations come out of these visions. This has been fostered by the feeling that these things certainly had some relevance for that time, but like the rest of the book these might have some messianic or apocalyptic application or dual significance. Our approach here is a general one, and following the lead of F. LaGard Smith in The Narrated Bible, I would advocate that there is a general theme of assurance that would apply to that time, but also to this time, and (I would add) to both Israel and the Church. 1. ANGEL & HORSEMEN: Israel will be restored in prosperity (7-17). 2. FOUR HORNS & CRAFTSMEN: ,VUDHO·V RSSUHVVRUV ZLOO LQGHHG EH SXQLVKHG -21). 3. MAN WITH MEASURING LINE: God will be among His returning people (2:1-13). &/($16,1* 35,(67·6 *$50(176 Sins will be removed by the Branch (3:1-10). 5. LAMPSTAND & OLIVE TREES: Temple completed by His 2 anointed ones (4:1-14). 6. THE FLYING SCROLL: Wickedness will always be punished (5:1-4). 5 7. WOMAN IN A BASKET: Wicked nations will be brought to their knees (5-11). 8. FOUR CHARIOTS: There is to be rest at last (6:1-8). The Crowning of Joshua (6:9-15) This is a significant enacted prophecy, one destined for majestic fulfillment in the Messiah, Jesus our LORD. This shows how something impossible under the Old Covenant is now made possible under the New Covenant: a person could not be both a king and priest at the same time, but this impossibility is now predicted to be a possibility!

4 G. Campbell Morgan, The Minor Prophets, p. 134. 5 Baxter feels there are 7 visions instead of 8, making the scroll, the ephah and women one vision.


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