The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon
Zechariah was the completion of the building within four years in 516 B.C. (Ezra 6:15). Zechariah brings a very practical emphasis on the necessity of repentance, the assurance of divine care, the JORU\ RI *RG·V VDOYDWLRQ DQG WKH LPSRUWDQFH RI KRO\ O iving. This book, however, is DOVR ´WKH PRVW PHVVLDQLF DSRFDO\SWLF DQG HVFKDWRORJLFDO LQ WKH 2 7 µ 2 It appears that Zechariah is second EHKLQG ,VDLDK LQ SURYLGLQJ XV ZLWK PHVVLDQLF SURSKHF\ 1RWLFH WKH LQFOXGHG FKDUW ´3RUWHQGV RI &KULVWµ ZKLFK OLVWV eleven references to the Coming Christ. 3
Outline of the Book of Zechariah
The Call to Repentance (1:1-6)
The Eight Visions (1:7-6:8)
A. Horses among the myrtle trees (1:7-17) B. Four horns and four craftsmen (1:18-21) C. Man with the measuring line (2:1-13) D. Cleansing of Joshua, the high priest (3:1-10) E. Golden lampstand and olive trees (4:1-14) F. The flying scroll (5:1-4) G. Woman in the basket (5:5-11) H. Four chariots (6:1-8)
The Crowning of Joshua (6:9-15)
The Question of Fasting (7:1-3)
The Four Messages of Zechariah (7:4-8:23)
A. Rebuke of hypocrisy (7:4-7) B. Repent of disobedience (7:8-14) C. Restoration of Israel (8:1-17) D. 5HMRLFH LQ ,VUDHO·V I uture (8:18-23)
The Two Burdens of Zechariah (9:1-14:21
A. The first burden: rejection of the Messiah (9:1-11:17) B. The second burden: reign of the Messiah (12:1-14:21)
G. Campbell Morgan discusses the contrast between the opening and closing sections:
2 The MacArthur Study Bible, P. 1338. 3 :DOWHU & .DLVHU -U DGGV WKLV ³=HFKDULDK¶V ERRN LV QRW RQO\ WKH ORQJHVW RI WKH WZHOYH PLQRU SURSKHWV LW LV RQH RI WKH most frequently quoted OT books in the NT (seventy-one quotations or allusions). One-third of these appear in the Gospels and thirty-one are found in Revelation. Zechariah is second only to Ezekiel in its influence on the book of 5HYHODWLRQ ´ The Messiah in the Old Testament, p. 211.
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