The MAJOR & MINOR Prophets - The 16 Writing Prophets Of The Hebrew Canon

QDPH s 25' =HFKDULDK· iles that had retu aged captive ex tary to the bookof Hagg mporary, fellow prophet h for t setting are the same eme that dominates the boo LDWH QDPH IRU WKH RFFD The e Book of Zechariah

PHDQV ´7KH /25' eturnedto Jerusalem aggai. God used them of Haggai, and this this book as already book and his ministry. that VLRQ DQG RQH

WKH WHPSOH RI WKH /2 ebuild er to rally the discouraged tar is, in a way, supplemen Zechariah was a contemp in the chapter on Haggai. y remarks and troductor sulates quite well the them PEHUV µ D PRVW DSSURSUL VKXD (]UD ,QRQ inedhis grandfather Iddo, kiel, and now Zechariah is add We have already met se as younger than Haggai (H J to return and re-settle $V ZDV VDLG LQ WKH SUHY le only had foundations! F ersian court, but the proph bors. Construction was fin immediately began to rebu well with the mixed-bloo for essed--a tragic situation in the two books indic reads like the prophets bega gh is included togive a good have said is not recorded the house of the LORD. ght a ringing challenge to li The two prophets, be with *RG·V G improve messages EHJXQ h them, creating good effec ; h GLVSOHDVXUH XSRQ WKHP ovements into a secondary are powerful and suc ssages WZR PRQWKV DIWHU +DJJDL ´7KH eople and the world. ERWK HQFRXUDJHG WKH SH ns Zechariah had a contrastin in H WR DQWLFLSDWH ,VUDHO·V FRPL were rebuilding the temple; Hispeo burden WHPSOH they w to rebu together book is given in The intr encapsu UHPHP temple on the Per neighbor Jews imme not sit captives progressed he was yo dating d recor enough would build th brough DQG-HV then jo Ezekiel,

QH RI KLV YLVLRQV =HFKDULDK o, also a priest, in the great added to the list. He was several of the prophets wh

K LV FDOOHG ´WKLV \RXQJ PDQ by eat return to Jerusalem led actually born a captive in ho were priests, namely years had passed and the buil was still ticki DK·V SURSKHF\ Samaritans filed false accu aroused indignant opposition use for the Jews or their The arrival of this mass cree in 538 B.C. inspired gn

Q µ LQGLFDWLQJ by Zerubbabel n Babylon, but Jeremiah and

. aggai 2:4)

ood residents who had no (cf. Ezra 1:1-4). Jerusalem YLRXV FKDSWHU &\UXV· 'H inally, some fourteen year -HUHPLD clock of time hetic nally halted, because the S ar ebuild their temple, which or both temple and people. le.

ilding had not cking, and the cusations with from these osition religion. The of people did d some 50,000

ates that Zechariah may began at the same time, bu SSHQHG od idea of what ha d in Haggai and Zecharia Everything that the prop throw off the indifference like enthusiastic cheerlead ect among the people. however, he brought sever y position. He stressed th ccinct, calling the people , short, recor L +DJJDL·V ILYH s were writte ILUVW HLJKW FKDSWHU HRSOH WR EXLOG EXW DOVR SRU ting approach: a series of LQJ 0HVVLDK µ le; the last six chapters were J 1 The result may have but the (]UD·V iah, but ophets ce and eaders, L

several stirring assurances tha that sins and indifference to put their own pleasur ecorded

at God would ce had brought res and house

written to encourage the r ure inten UWUD\HG *RG·V IXW f eight visions, four messages mn were written after the com age of the inspiring ministry of

emnant while tentions both for sages and two pletion of the of Haggai and

1 TheNew

p. 106 w Open Bible Study Edition, 67.


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