Street Stories - A Ringside Seat To Over 4 Decades Of Taking Jesus To The Streets Of The World

drumbeats and rhythms and there seemed to be a little spark in the congregation.

We continued to sing and lift up the Lord. I noticed all the women in the congregation were wearing small white head coverings during the service and the entire congregation seemed to be in a religious bondage. Then something happened I had never, never, never seen before. Bro Bill got down from the stage and waded into the midst of the congregation. As a sign of freedom, he began to lift the doilie-type head coverings from the ladies and throw them out into the crowd. As he grabbed each doilie from their heads and flung them through the air, he shouted, “Be Free. Be Free. Be Free in Jesus Name.” The band and I kept singing, Scott and Jerry left the stage and began to minister to the crowd and Bro Bill kept throwing doilies shouting, “Be Free. Be Free in Jesus Name. ” Like a link breaking in a chain, something snapped in the Spirit and the entire congregation began to sing at the top of their lungs. They began to get out into the aisles and dance. Within minutes, over one hundred people in the church formed a conga-line and began to sing and dance throughout the building. We were told nothing like that had ever happened in that church before. I don’t remember if we even got to preach that night, but there was a powerful move of the Holy Ghost in that place like never before.


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